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Copyright © 2002 Nick Manser
for the LinDOS Project
About LinDOS

LinDOS is a project that I started as a way to try to port some of my friends in class over to Linux from Windows. I was able to simply take the DummyLinux UI that I wrote in Shell Scripts and write a separate command set for it. Once I finished the command set, I realized that if I could write a CLI for Linux that Mimicked DOS, then I might be able to get even more people to get interested in Linux. This is the point that LinDOS was born. LinDOS started out as a basic revamp to DummyLinux and ended up becoming much more. The CLI is still my main focus, and I hope to eventually get a C/C++ version out on the web, but myself being a Linux Administrator, not a programmer, I am limited in where I can go with the code. My goal for LinDOS at the current time is to create a "shell" or a "skin" that will make Linux behave a lot like Windows and DOS. By doing this, we can get more people to move over to Linux by sheer want of a more stable system. Once I get the CLI completed, I will focus on the GUI and integrating WINE into the system in a way that WINE will automatically start Windows applications. I realize that this may be a far reaching goal, but with help, I think that it can be attainable.

- Steven McGrath

If you wish to see other code (Like the DummyLinux code that LinDOS originated from), visit!